2 Chimney flue repair & Chimney stack repair
Our experienced specialist chimney repair contractors offer the best, most cost effective chimney repair solution to solve the problem and repair the damage associated with the chimney and flue installation to ensure that it works safely and efficiently.
Depending on the nature of the chimney damage we can advise a number of chimney solutions including either reline your brick chimney or the installation of a newer chimney relining systems will offer better long term value by keeping the relining chimney costs down.

3 Chimney flue repair & Chimney stack repair
Our experienced specialist chimney repair contractors offer the best, most cost effective chimney repair solution to solve the problem and repair the damage associated with the chimney and flue installation to ensure that it works safely and efficiently.
Depending on the nature of the chimney damage we can advise a number of chimney solutions including either reline your brick chimney or the installation of a newer chimney relining systems will offer better long term value by keeping the relining chimney costs down.

4 Chimney flue repair & Chimney stack repair
Our experienced specialist chimney repair contractors offer the best, most cost effective chimney repair solution to solve the problem and repair the damage associated with the chimney and flue installation to ensure that it works safely and efficiently.
Depending on the nature of the chimney damage we can advise a number of chimney solutions including either reline your brick chimney or the installation of a newer chimney relining systems will offer better long term value by keeping the relining chimney costs down.

2 Chimney flue repair & Chimney stack repair
Our experienced specialist chimney repair contractors offer the best, most cost effective chimney repair solution to solve the problem and repair the damage associated with the chimney and flue installation to ensure that it works safely and efficiently.
Depending on the nature of the chimney damage we can advise a number of chimney solutions including either reline your brick chimney or the installation of a newer chimney relining systems will offer better long term value by keeping the relining chimney costs down.

3 Chimney flue repair & Chimney stack repair
Our experienced specialist chimney repair contractors offer the best, most cost effective chimney repair solution to solve the problem and repair the damage associated with the chimney and flue installation to ensure that it works safely and efficiently.
Depending on the nature of the chimney damage we can advise a number of chimney solutions including either reline your brick chimney or the installation of a newer chimney relining systems will offer better long term value by keeping the relining chimney costs down.
Nationwide Chimney repair contractors 0818 929 555
we provide chimney relining and repairs across Ireland

Chimney Relining

Chimney Cleaning

Chimney Repair Service

Chimney CCTV Surveys

Chimney Liner Installation
Nationwide Chimneys are a leading chimney specialist. We are experts in chimney relining & liner installation, along with undertaking chimney fire damage insurance repairs, lining or relining flues with a variety of different methods.
For an enclosed stove, boiler, Aga, Rayburn, open fire or other appliance to work efficiently and safely the chimney flue must be sound and leak proof. The simplest way to ensure this is to reline the chimney & the flue with one of several systems on offer. Each system has different qualities and we can advise you on the choices available. Whilst this does not bring the overall condition of the chimney stack into good repair a suitably insulated flue system controls the products of combustion and condensation allowing them to disperse safely into the atmosphere.

4 Chimney flue repair & Chimney stack repair
Our experienced specialist chimney repair contractors offer the best, most cost effective chimney repair solution to solve the problem and repair the damage associated with the chimney and flue installation to ensure that it works safely and efficiently.
Depending on the nature of the chimney damage we can advise a number of chimney solutions including either reline your brick chimney or the installation of a newer chimney relining systems will offer better long term value by keeping the relining chimney costs down.
Free Chimney Inspection
Chimney Repairs
Chimneys are often the most exposed part of a property. Over time pointing and weather flaunching can fail allowing rain to penetrate the stack; in combination with frost deterioration is accelerated. If neglected the stack will degenerate and eventually become unsafe and dangerous.
If spotted in time new weather flaunching and pointing will extend the longevity of the stack but from time to time it may be necessary to rebuild the stack in order to ensure its permanence. It is not just the weather that can cause serious harm, chimney fires can do untold damage.

Identify common chimney stack parts & chimney construction detail glossary